11 Principles of Burning Man

The 11 Principles of Burning Man

Burning Man co-founder Larry Harvey originally wrote the 10 Principles in 2004 as a reflection of the community’s ethos and values. These were not meant to be rules but rather guiding philosophies that have organically shaped the Burning Man culture and its Regional Network. Over time, Regional Burns have embraced an additional principle—Consent—recognizing the importance of clear boundaries and mutual respect in all interactions.

Radical Inclusion

Burning Man welcomes everyone. We believe in the transformative power of human connection and open our spaces to all, without prerequisites or exclusion. Everyone is invited to participate, contribute, and create.


The spirit of giving is fundamental to the Burning Man experience. Gifts are given freely, with no expectation of exchange or reward. The value of a gift comes from its sincerity and the connections it fosters.


To protect the spirit of our community, we avoid commercial sponsorships, advertising, and transactions. Our culture is one of genuine interaction, not consumerism. Experiences are shared, not sold.

Radical Self-Reliance

Burning Man encourages individuals to discover and trust their own inner resources. This means being prepared, taking care of oneself, and embracing the challenges of self-sufficiency in the desert or any other environment.

Radical Self-Expression

Self-expression is a gift to both the individual and the community. Whether through art, fashion, music, performance, or any other medium, participants are encouraged to express themselves authentically—while respecting the autonomy and boundaries of others.

Communal Effort

Burning Man thrives on collaboration, cooperation, and community-building. We support creative cooperation and strive to develop social networks that uplift and empower one another in shared artistic and cultural endeavors.

Civic Responsibility

Our community is grounded in civic responsibility, and participants are expected to uphold legal and ethical standards. We strive to create safe, inclusive environments that contribute positively to the world around us.

Leaving No Trace

We are committed to protecting the environment and respecting the spaces we gather in. Participants are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and others, ensuring that we leave each place in the same or better condition than we found it.


Transformation and growth come from full engagement. Everyone is encouraged to step up, contribute, and immerse themselves in the experience. Spectatorship is replaced with active participation.


Direct experience is the most valuable form of connection. Whether engaging with others, art, nature, or the moment itself, we strive to overcome barriers that keep us from truly being present.


Consent is the foundation of respectful interaction. It applies to one’s body, space, property, and experiences. Consent must be freely given, clear, and ongoing. It is not implied, assumed, or granted by past interactions.

These 11 Principles are the backbone of the Burning Man ethos, shaping both Black Rock City and the many Regional Burns worldwide. While every event is unique, these principles provide a shared foundation for a more inclusive, expressive, and engaged community.

Burning Man is more than an event—it is a movement, a philosophy, and a way of life.

This webpage is inspired by the foundational principles of Burning Man and its Regional Network. While the 10 Principles of Burning Man were created by Larry Harvey and remain a registered copyright of the Burning Man Project, the additional 11th Principle, Consent, has been widely adopted by many Regional Burns as an essential pillar of the culture.

For more information, visit: Burnt Oranges - 11 Principles